
“We have turned deaf ears to the blood of the innocent and the concern of our nation. We are blind to a crisis. Where is the heart of this body? Where is our soul? Where is our moral leadership? Where is our courage?  

“We cannot continue to stick our heads in the sand and ignore the reality of mass gun violence in our nation. Deadly mass shootings are becoming more and more frequent.” – Rep. John Lewis (D – Georgia)

John Lewis: hero then and hero now.



Dark Horse Comics Lady Killer mini series (compiled into a
perfect bound graphic novel edition) is written by Jamie S. Rich and Joelle
Jones, and masterfully drawn by Ms. Jones herself. 

The gritty (and bloody!)
story deals with a Mad Men era suburban Seattle housewife who’s actually a CIA

Artist Joelle Jones explains how she playfully put together a series
of vintage ad mockups while doing research for the project, shown above (with
additional hand lettering by Crank). The mini-series is a dark delight, just as
these playfully grim ads are. This isn’t a comics blog, of course. And Rich and Jones’ mini series won’t be for everyone. But the art is still terrific, and those ads are fun. The illustration style and typography is strictly now, but the coloring and general ‘feel’ are pure retro. And we’ll admit it: We love retro, and get a real kick out of seeing contemporary tweaks and twists of vintage 20th century design, illustration and photographic tropes. Check out more of Jones work at joellejones.com.

So I will need to read these.